We are proud to share our community impact for the period 07/01/2024 through 06/30/2025
6 Service Projects, 99 Volunteers, 144 Service Hours, Grants & Donations: $9,305, Next Grant Cycle December 2024
(Last Year's Totals: 29 Service Projects: 322 Volunteers, 698 Service Hours. Grants & Donations: $62,343) 
Congratulations to the following lucky winners of our 36th annual Corvette Raffle.
We have been able to return over $1,000,000 to the community over the life of our raffle. We appreciate the consistent level of support we receive from our ticket purchasers and look forward to continuing our mission of Service Above Self.
Thank you to Rotarian Dave Pedersen
of Pedersen Design, Aurora, IL
for creating this wonderful tribute.
Meeting Information

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Tuesdays at 8:00 AM
Apple Villa
1961 W Wilson
Batavia, IL 60510
United States of America
We order breakfast at 7:30 AM and complete our meal before the meeting begins. All meetings are streamed to remote participants on Zoom. Email us for a Zoom invitation or to RSVP for live attendance: "info@BataviaRotaryClub.org".
Upcoming Events
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
President Nominee
Immediate Past President
Assistant Treasurer
Community Service Chair
Youth Service Chair
International Service Chair
Membership Chair
Fundraising Chair
Rotary Foundation
Program Chair
DDF Grants Chair
Public Image
Web Site Coordinator
Club Historian
Outreach Services Co-Chair
Outreach Services Co-Chair
Virtual Meeting Coordinator